"Wow,"Molly exclaimed,"this all looks yummy!"
Later that afternoon, they had an Easter egg hunt, curtuosy of Kit's mom. After the eggs were hid the girls gathered around the baskets.
"There is only three baskets, and there are six of us. What are we going to do?" Abbey exclaimed.
"Ok, the only thing we need to do is find partners." Elizabeth said.
"Molly, let's be a group, we are both wearing purple!" Kit said excitedly.
"Abbey, how about we're a group!" Mia said while holding a basket.
"Ok, this is going to be fun!" Abbey, in her sweet voice, said.
"Do you want to be a group, Elizabeth?" Addy asked.
"Sure! Here's a basket." Elizabeth replied.
After all of the eggs were hidden, the egg hunt started!
"Come on Abbey, it's starting!!!" Mia said loudly.
"Ok, ok, I'm coming! I'm just tying my shoelace!"
Meanwhile, the other girls were finding brightly colored plastic eggs.
"Yay, you got one!" Molly said excited.
"It's not purple though," Kit said,"but it still great!"
"ooh, that's a good one." Mia exclaimed.
"Yep!" Abbey responded.
"Oh, my goodness! There is one up there. See, Addy!" Elizabeth said while pointing to the egg way up in the tree.
"How can we get it down?" Addy questioned.
"I can climb trees, how about I climb and get it?" Elizabeth said determined to get that egg.
"Go ahead." Addy said, glad she didn't have to climb the tree, she didn't like climbing them.
Elizabeth climbed and was almost there.
"Oomph, I almost have it." Elizabeth said, really to herself while stretching her hand as far as she could.
Elizabeth's fingers reached the egg, and she grabbed it.
"I got it!" Elizabeth yelled down to Addy.
She then climbed back down, and met Addy at the bottom.
"You got it Elizabeth," Addy said amazed,"Your a great tree-climber!"
"Well, I have had some practice." Elizabeth smiled and panted.
Uh-oh, Molly and Abbey both are grabbing the same exact egg!
"oops, Sorry Molly!" Abbey said, while they both noticed each other.
"You can have it." the generous Molly offered.
"No, no you were here first." Abbey said not accepting.
"Well, ok,"Molly responded,"Sorry about bumping into you."
"No problem." Abbey smiled kindly.
Once all of the eggs, or at least almost all of them were found the girls trudged back to the deck and sat down on the outside swing, and look through their eggs.
"Hey everyone, look I got a duck! It's so cute!" Elizabeth said examining the the duck.
"I got a necklace!" Molly said.
"Hey Molly, I got a necklace too! It's a different necklace though." Addy said while showing it to Molly.
"Want a jelly bean, Abbey?"
"Thanks!" Abbey said while grabbing the jelly bean.
They all had fun looking at what their eggs contained. :)
After looking at their eggs they played tag and other games on this Beautiful sunny day! They then rested a little while so they could tell you...
Ps~ Here are some bonus Behind-the-scenes pictures! :)
Here is a picture from the scene when Abbey and Molly see each other grabbing the same egg. We have towels down because it was a little wet (but not really wet, just wet at the bottom of the grass), because it rained the day before. The Laundry basket is where I transported my six dolls all over the backyard. :)
My Wonderful helper and sister, Hope. She helped me pose the dolls and help them stand. (it was really windy that day, and the dolls kept falling over, so she held their legs.) Thank you SO much Hope, you were such a big help!:)
Here is me holding two of my dolls Abbey and Mia.
I will show you more behind the scene pictures some other time! :)
Have a Great Easter! :)