"Hello, and welcome to my baby chick farm! We just bought the baby chicks and they are only 2 days old! I thought it would be fun to show you around and of course show you the chicks!"
"This is where the chicks eat."
"The plastic tray to the left is where the chicks drink. It's kinda big for them, but eventually it will be small for them."
"I Love to sit in here, and sometimes the baby chicks come up to me and sit on my lap! They are so soft, I love to pet them!"
"Look at them all, they are so tiny! They are still babies, so they need a light for warmth. The light is red, and that is why most of the tour is under a red light."
"This chick we think might be a rooster, we call him Big Rob. He he."
"How about I get out, and try to pick one up. Here chicky chicky."
"I got one! Thanks so much for joining me on my tour through the chick farm!
(With help from
Ps~ Me and my family really did get chicks and we are so excited!