Welcome to Day 3 of Looking Back at American Girl Fan! You can find out what "Looking Back at American Girl Fan" is, here. :)
Easter Egg Hunt & Surprises
On April 12th, 2009 I did a photostory of my American Girl doll's celebrating Easter called Easter Egg Hunt & Surprises. Yesterday, I was looking through some older pictures on my computer, and I came across some pictures my dad took of me doing this photostory! It is so fun to look back, so here are the "behind-the-scenes" pictures...
Taking pictures of my dolls means getting down low! Also, if you look at the left corner that is my mom's laundry basket! I used it to carry my dolls around my backyard! :)
Me setting up my dolls! This picture is funny because it looks like they are all gathered around me! :D
It was so windy that day, and my doll's hair had fly-aways. So, I brushed their hair a lot. :)
Here is a tip I do to get my American Girl doll's to hold things, like this basket! I use...foam sticky dots! You can get sticky dots at lots of craft stores-they really come in handy! Just don't have your doll have the sticky dot on her hand for a long time, or it will leave a sticky residue.
Hope you enjoyed the pictures! (You can read the whole Easter Photostory by clicking HERE.)
Check back tomorrow as we continue to look back at AmericanGirlFan.com! :)