It was in the afternoon, and Felicity and Elizabeth decided that since it was such a beautiful day that they should have their tea outside! The girls set everything out on the table, from their fancy tea cups and saucers to the yummy treats!
"Don't you just LOVE the sunshine today Felicity?" Elizabeth asked starting up a conversation.
"I sure do!" Felicity said as she got up from her chair and lightly picked up the tea pot.
"Miss Elizabeth Cole, would you like some tea?" Felicity asked, just like how Miss Manderly taught them to do.
"Yes please!" Elizabeth answered.
"Would you like some sugar?" Felicity asked politely.
"One lump, thank you Felicity."
Elizabeth quickly stirred the sugar lump into her tea, before getting up to serve tea to Felicity too. :)
"Miss Felicity Merriman, would you like some tea?"
Before Felicity answered she gently picked up her tea cup and her spoon, and...
said, "No thank you Miss Elizabeth."
"What?! But, Felicity the war has been over for a few years, it's okay to drink tea now." Elizabeth said in a state of shock. She couldn't imagine why her friend wouldn't want to drink the tea!
"I'm sorry Elizabeth," Felicity answered, "I'm just not thirsty, but those cakes look good!"
Elizabeth laughed, while Felicity grabbed one of the dainty cakes. "I guess I should never be surprised with you Felicity Merriman." Elizabeth said and Felicity laughed.
As Elizabeth sipped her tea and Felicity munched on her cake they both had a wonderful afternoon tea together, and Felicity said she would definitely drink the tea next time! :)
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