There are many 18 inch doll clothes out there, but what I love is doll clothing and accessories carefully handmade with love and lots of attention to detail. Knowing that someone made it special for your doll. My sponsor Edyta from does just that! I wanted to get to know more about the lady behind the beautiful doll clothes, by interviewing her! I can't wait to share it with you! Here it is...
Tell us a bit about yourself.
I was born and I grew up in Poland. I came to this country 20 years ago. I went to college here and I got my degree in Accounting. I was working in the accounting area for more than 12 years but last year my job was outsourced to China. Instead of feeling sorry for myself I decided to use this event as an opportunity to change something in my life.
I searched my soul and I tried to find something that I would really love to do. This is how I started to do the doll clothing and I fell in love with it. I have an 8 year old son and a 5 year old daughter and I also wanted to spend more time with them, so the idea of having a home business was wonderful.
How did you come up with the idea of your shop-DreamWorldCollections?
My husband started to make pictures of my outfits and designed a website for me. I had so many ideas of the outfit and I wanted to realize all of them. I did not know if this business will become successful or not but I had fun doing it. For the first time in my life I really loved what I was doing. I wanted to see if it will be possible. I came up with the name of my company DreamWorld Collections
because it was my dream. I still feel like I am in my little dream world.
When did you begin sewing?
I started sewing doll clothing when I was a little girl. My mother was a dressmaker and I learned from her. She was sewing for people and i was sawing for my dolls next to her. She helped me a lot and I learned all I know about sawing from her. As I grew up, I went to college and I got a career in accounting. I was working for big corporations for the past 12 years and forgot about sewing. At the end of last year I bought a sewing machine to make some doll clothing for my daughter. I had so much fun doing that that I started to make more and more doll clothing. Soon my family and my friends encouraged me to start selling my outfits.
How would you describe your sewing process?
I do not really have a sewing process. I design my doll clothing, put it on a doll and if I absolutely love it my husband makes pictures of it and I reproduce it in more quantities. If my customers also share the same taste I keep making more of the same outfits. So it is pretty simple.
What inspires your doll designs?
The ideas are just popping in my head. Sometimes when I go to the fabric store I see certain fabric and I have an idea about what to make out of it. Sometimes I see some cool girls clothing that I think it will look good on a doll too. It is constantly in my head. I go to bed and I wake up with a new idea of an outfit. I know it maybe sounds crazy but I think about new stuff all the time. Of course it is not so easy to make 100% of my outfits for sale but I make only those that I absolutely love. If something doesn't come out this way I do not make it.
How do you get out of your creative ruts?
So far I did not have problem with creativity. I have way more ideas than the time to make them. But sometime it is not easy to make my ideas alive. I remember when I had problem with making shoes. I almost gave up. I wanted to make the shoes to match all the outfits. It took me a lot of practice to finally get them right. The secret was in a good pattern and the correct fabric. The fabric has to be a little stretchy but not too much. Now I even learned to make winter boots. Also, whenever I get stuck, like if I have a problem with certain fabrics I would ask for advice from the people who work in fabric stores. They are very helpful. They gave me a few very useful tips.
What is your favorite outfit you've made?
I love all of my outfits, but right now I most like my Ice skating outfit. I love to watch figure ice skating so making that outfit was a lot of fun. I think I am going to make a few more of those because they are so much fun.
Where would you like to be in ten years?
In ten years I would like my business to grow. I would like to get to the point that I will only design outfits and make prototypes. I am searching for companies to manufacture my products with the same quality I do. It is not easy to find people who can match my quality. The quality is very important for me. I like good quality fabrics and good sewing. Right now when I look for fabrics I get what I like, the price is not the main decision factor. I have to like my products and be proud of them. Also, when my children get a little older I would like to involve them in the business. Already my son expressed some interest in what I am doing. He is very artistic. He even designed his first dress. He picked his fabric and trims and drew a picture how it should look like and I made a dress for him. It was Egyptian Beauty. He came up with the name too. Unfortunately or I should say fortunately the dress is sold out at this moment. I will need to make some more. My daughter is still too young but she is already starting playing with those dolls and their outfits. It is fun to watch her.
Do you have any advice for girls who want to make their own doll clothes?
Making your own doll clothes is a lot of fun. There are already outfit patterns on the market that would make creating outfits much easier. You do not have to buy all of it. Just buy some basic patterns and than you can modify them in many ways. Just using different fabric or different trims can really make the outfit stand out. Making your own doll clothing can be a lot of fun and it can be very rewarding and the possibilities are endless.
Be sure to go check out all of Edyta's doll designs and accessories, at her shop She would love for you to drop by for a visit!
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