Wow, thank you to all who sent in their caption this week for 'Caption That Doll Picture'! It was extremely hard to pick our favorites, they were all SO amazing!!!
Here is the Favorite Caption of this week...
Addy: Psst Nellie! Wanna trade bunks?
Julie: I think she's asleep.
Addy: Aww...I don't like this top bunk. Wanna trade Julie?
Julie: No way! I'm not going to fall off a 3 story bunk and break my neck! Wait...gulp.
Addy and Julie: Nellie! Wake up! By: Audrey
Congratulations Audrey!!
And, the 4 Honorable Mentions are...
Julie: Target is asleep. Get the marker.
Addy: Marker ready. I'm coming down.
Julie: Now what sort of mustache shall we give her? Curly, extra curly? Toothbrush?
Addy: Oh just do it.
Addy draws a mustache on Nelly and wakes her up.
Nelly: Addy, why are you holding a marker?
Julie: Uh, Uh, it's- er National Hold A Marker Over Sleeping Friends Day!
Nelly: Oh it is?
Addy: Um, yeah... ~Hermione
Addy: (whispering) Julie.... Julie.... Julie!
Julie: SHHH! Addy, don't be so loud, I'm monitering Nellie's sleeping patterns! If she continues sleeping for another 43 seconds, it will be the longest she's went without snoring!
Addy: ?????
Nellie: Julie, if you don't stuff it right now, I'm going to monitor your reaction to my hand covering your mouth!
Addy: Ooh, harsh....
Julie: What? Science is cool..... ~Emily Rose
Addy: Is she asleep, Julie?
Julie: Yep.
Addy: Now we sneak in and get the Teddy Bear!
Nellie: (thinking) Never! Pudgykins and I will fight till the end! ~Mary
Addy: How long has she been snoring the National Anthem?
Julie: I don't know. 2 hours?
Addy: I think we should hide her CD.
Nellie: Ohhh say can you.... What?
Julie and Addy: Oh brother! ~Sammy
This was such a fun one!! Be sure to check back next Tuesday to caption a brand-new picture! ;)
Ps~So sorry for this being a little late! We had super bad weather yesterday and I wasn't able to be on the computer. Hope you have a great weekend!! :)