My friend Lacey had the awesome opportunity to go to the American Girl Fashion Show a few weekends ago! She sent me some pictures and her thoughts on the event, and I thought it would be fun if she shared about it with you too! So, here she is...
Hello! Here are some pics from the AG Fashion Show! I had a pretty good time there, enjoying the past and present AG fashions!
Here's a picture of the actual stage and seating. (The stage is actually to the far left while on the other side of the large white room divider-thingy is where I took the following pictures.)
People waiting to be seated. (The line got a whole lot longer after just a few minutes!)
Some of the very big raffle items. (McKenna and her beam and bar, Cecile & Marie-Grace with bed, MyAG doll with horse, and there was also a set of Bitty Twins)
Some of the dolls part of the raffle drawing. (Chrissa, Ruthie, Marie-Grace are pictured)
A few dolls that were in the silent auction. (Samantha, Marie-Grace and Cecile are pictured)
And, some girl-sized AG Fashion Show clothes, souvenirs, and such. (I was kind of bummed that there was only one doll-sized souvenir, but I bought one for myself ;D)
Overall, I had a fairly good time. I enjoyed: Being with just my mom, looking at all the dolls that were part of the silent auction, seeing an actual Samantha doll in person, seeing a McKenna doll in person, being in the Music Hall, seeing doll-sized clothes become girl-sized clothes, picking up an awesome souvenir, knowing what a good cause all of the profits went to, savoring some yummy--but a little tart--lemonade, and just seeing how many people were interested in American Girl!
Well, there you have it! My time and pics at the AG Fashion Show!
Thanks so much Lacey! It looks like a whole lot of fun!
Have any of you ever been to an American Girl Fashion Show? How did you like it?