Every girl loves to have a book of her own to keep her photos, writings, and drawings--wouldn't your doll love one too? Here's how you can make your doll her own special Scrapbook!
Let's get started!
First you will need some supplies:
- Sheet of Cardboard (I cut a flap off of a box)
- Pretty paper of any design or color (You can also use construction paper, line paper, any kind of paper you can decorate!)
- Scissors
- Glue
- Pencil
- Hole Punch
- Ruler
- Ribbon
- Anything to decorate with (stickers, colored pencils, markers, ect.)
- And, a parent or guardian to help you! :)
Once you have all of your supplies, grab your cardboard. With your ruler and pencil, measure and mark 4 and half inches wide by 4 inches tall.
Then cut out the cardboard with your scissors. After you have your first cardboard square, trace it onto the cardboard to make another square. These are going to be the front and back covers of your doll scrapbook.
Now that you have two cardboard squares, get out your hole punch!
Punch two holes on the side of the cardboard, 1 and half inches apart.
After you punch holes in one of the cardboard pieces, set it on the other cardboard piece to line up the holes. With your pencil mark the holes and then punch those out too.
Here comes the fun part! Pick what color paper you want to be the design on your doll's scrapbook.
Mark a half inch across from the side of the scrapbook so you don't cover up the holes with paper. Then use your cardboard piece as a guide to cut around.
Squeeze some glue on the cardboard. Make sure to not put too much, because the more you put on the longer it will take to dry. A little goes a long way. ;) Place your piece of paper on top of the glue and press down gently.
Now that we've made our pretty covers, it time to make the pages of your doll scrapbook!
Cut six 4 by 4 inch white printer paper pages for the inside of the scrapbook. Use your pencil to mark where the holes are punched on the covers, so the pages will line up. Then put the papers in between the front and back covers.
Put your scrapbook aside, and get out your ribbon. It needs to be a thin enough ribbon to fit through the holes. Cut about 15 inches of the ribbon. Then thread the ribbon through the top holes first and then through the bottom holes, bringing them together into a bow.
Doesn't it look great?! The ribbon gives the perfect touch, while holding your doll scrapbook together!
Now you can help your doll decorate her one-of-a-kind scrapbook! You can use stickers, letter beads, markers, colored pencils, anything you have on hand.
I hope your doll enjoys her new scrapbook!! It would be a great place to keep all of her memories in this Summer!
If you make your doll a scrapbook, I would love to see it! Email me a picture at [email protected] and I'll even post it!
Happy Crafting!