If you've been to the American Girl website recently, you probably noticed American Girl has launched their brand-new Summer Reading program called Read-a-Palooza! From today until September 3, you can start your own book club, participate in reading activities, and if you purchase an American Girl book from them, $1 goes to charity!
How cool is that?!
I've always loved American Girl books--they are what led me to the dolls! I thought it would be fun to share a few of my all-time favorite American Girl books with you...
A Smart Girl's Guide to Style--I think this book is awesome because I love Fashion! I learned a lot of about the names of certain pieces of clothing and the quizzes are fun too!
Lanie--Her books were my favorite Girl of the Year ones yet! I loved her cute personality and the emails between her and her friend.
Minute Mysteries--These are quick reads and it was fun trying to solve the mystery and seeing if I was right! :)
Cecile and Marie-Grace Series--I loved reading both Cecile and Marie-Graces perspective on the same issues. It was cool learning about exotic New Orleans too, plus I just love my Cecile doll!
Art Starts--This was one of my the first AG activity books I owned. It was so fun to color and put my own creativity into the drawings.
Doll School--Out of all of the Do-it-Yourself books, Doll School is my favorite!! It comes with so much stuff for dolls! (You can check out everything the set comes with on my Youtube Video!)
Samantha's Oceanliner Adventure
& Molly's Route 66 Adventure
--These books are now retired by American Girl, but they are amazing!!! They are scrapbooks and are written as if Molly and Samantha are writing a diary about their adventures. The books come with pull-outs too!
Here's what it looks like inside the Samantha adventure book. You can still purchase these books on Amazon. I totally recommend them! :)
I Love Mysteries Fun Book--This was the book for me because I do love mysteries! hehe :)
Kit's Danger at the Zoo & Julie's The Silver Guitar--Speaking of mysteries! I've read almost all of the American Girl mysteries and these two are probably my favorite, but it's hard to choose!
My dolls and I are excited about the Read-a-Palooza event! Mia is already getting ready! ;)
What are your favorite American Girl books? Which ones do you reccommend?