Thank you so much everyone for helping me decide the Caption That Doll Picture Favorite of #54! But, guess what?! We have a tie this week!!! This has never happened before, how cool!
McKenna: Okay Juballie, only a couple more flips off the couch and your hair will have the PERFECT messy look!
Juballie: Um, how exactly did you end up in the wheelchair again? Wasn't it practicing couch flips? ~Autumn
Juballie: I really think you should give Josie's wheelchair back. ~AnaMichele
Congrats Girls, and the other Honorable Mentions too!
I want to thank Pink Eagle for sending in her picture for this week! What do you think her doll Paris is thinking or saying? (You can also add an off-screen doll if you'd like) Just comment below with your caption. It can be as funny or creative as you want!
My family will pick their 5 favorites on Thursday and then you all will get decide the ultimate favorite! We usually choose the favorites around 2-3:00 EST, so be sure to post your caption before then if you want to be in the picks.
Have Fun!!
PS~Thank you to everyone who has sent in a Caption That Doll Picture! I have enough pictures for the rest of the Summer, so I'm not accepting more pictures at this time. I'll let you know the next time you can send in your own caption picture!
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