Thank you all for taking the time to send in your caption this week for Caption That Doll Picture! All of them were SO funny!!
Choose which of our favorite captions is your favorite, and vote on the poll below! I'll reveal the ultimate favorite on Monday, a long with a new picture!
Felicity: Hey Lavender, do you want this yummy shishkebab and this awesome protein shake???
Lavender: What? Oh, no. I'm good.
Coconut: I'll take it! (steals food) ~Breck and Liz
Felicity: Time to eat! A kabob for Coconut and juice for Lavender! Or was it a kabob for Lavender and juice for Coconut? Oh well! (Eats!) ~Bella
Lavendar: I'm hungwy.
Felicity: OK! Here's some food on a stick and juice.
Lavendar: NO!
Felicity: No, what?
Lavendar: I wanna pway!
Felicity: I thought you said you were hungry!
Lavendar grunts and moans... now she's crying!
Felicity: OK! Let's go play with some blocks.
Lavendar instantly stops crying: YAY!!!
Felicity sets down food and juice on an end table and leaves with Lavendar.
Coconut: What about- Oh never mind. I'll eat it for you!
*Coconut walks over to food and swallows it whole.*
Felicity comes back (Lavendar is napping now) "Oh I'm so hungry! What did I do with that food?" *Looks at Coconut who is sleeping by the end table with the stick that held the food next to him.* Felicity: COCONUUUUT! ~Jaclynn
Felicity: Sorry boy, I don’t have any bacon left to train you with, so I have to use ice cream. Sit, boy! (Coconut sits)
Felicity: Good boy! (She tosses him an ice cream cone)
Coconut: (thinking) Yuck! I sat for THIS? I want a bone! (He slips over to Lavendar and gives her the ice cream cone)
Felicity: Speak, Coconut!
Lavendar: (Eating the ice cream cone) Yum yum yum!
Felicity: Hey, Coconut likes it! Wait, uh, what… (she faints) ~Mary
Felicity: hi, my name is felicity. During the summer and fall I love to eat lots of yummy foods. But with allergies I need to use American girl's allergy free lunch. I als-
Lavender: what are you doing?
Felicity: practicing for when I become famous. Everyone will want me in their commercials!
Lavender: but you don't have allergies!
Felicity: what ever. Me and Taylor swift are going to the movies. Common coco!
(struts off holding coconut)
Lavender: wow, someone has issues. ~Katie
Have Fun!! :)