I got an email recently from an American Girl Fan asking if I knew any hairstyles for dolls with textured hair, like Addy. I thought that it would be fun to share some of my favorite styles that I like to do on Addy. These look beautiful on all of my long-haired dollls too!
French Ponytail. This is a great way to give a ponytail some style! Start by making a small half ponytail near the top of your doll's head and tie off with a hair tie. Then while pulling hair from the sides, make another small ponytail directly below the first. Continue down the line, until you make one final ponytail. I used a flower hairtie to dress it up some more. :)
Half Braids. Start by brushing out your dolls hair, and then gather a small section at the crown of her head. Seperate it into three sections and begin braiding. This is optional, but you can leave some extra hair on the side and as you braid add more small pieces into your braid, like you would do in a crown braid. Secure with a pretty hairclip.
Crown French Braid. This takes a lot of practice, but once you know how it's really easy! First create a middle part and seperate into two sections like you normally do to do braids. Then gather one section at the top of your dolls head near the part, and seperate the hair into three even sections. Cross the section on the right over the center section. Then cross the left section over the center section. Make sure to keep a tight grip on the hair as you braid. Continue braiding hair, and each time you cross over add hair from one side only. Keep braiding until you reach the end! :)
Hot Cross Braided Bun. This is the perfect hairstyle for fancy parties! First make two long braids, making sure to start at the very top of your doll's head. Bring both braids together and twist them into a bun, coiling the bun close to your doll's head. Secure the bun with a scrunchie, and to give it a sweeter look you can tie a ribbon to hide the scunchie.
Addy looked so beautiful that she had a small photoshoot!
I think her eyes just sparkle in this picture. :)
She's daydreaming about all the other hairstyles she wants to try next time!
I hope these hairstyles bring you some inspiration to give your doll a new hairdo! If you try any of these hairstyles or come up with your own, I'd love to see! Feel free to send me a picture at [email protected].
Happy styling! :)