Happy Friday, girls! Another great week of Summer has gone by. These dolls look like they had some fun too, take a look...
Jan's doll loves sitting on her wall looking at the pretty flowers!
With the announcement of Molly and Emily's Archival, MusicLuver99 took a picture of them to show that they still have some love! Molly+Emily=Best Friends Forever!
Hannah from Dynamite Dolls-Shaila, Molly and Christina are posing for a family picture.
Sierra's doll Kirsten loves to play with her hamster Snowball. So cute!
Heydollie sent in her first video on her new Youtube account, featuring McKenna! (You can watch above or go to her Youtube) :)
Thanks girls for sharing with us! I just love to see what you and your doll(s) are up to! Would you like to join in on "From a Friend Friday" for next week? Here's how you can:
Hope you have an awesome weekend!!