Hooray for Friday! Are you looking forward to Labor Day weekend?! I am and I'm excited to share these adorable doll pictures and videos sent in this week too! Take a look...
From Marisa--This is my doll Kanani in one of her favorite summer outfits.( To see the photostory that this picture is in, go to Marisasamericangirls.blogspot.com).
Charis made a doll pie for Josefina with a bottle cap and clay!
Hey Dollie made a back to school video of her doll Brynn! (You can watch above or on her Youtube Channel!)
From Ana Leigh: My doll kit is hugging her new stuffed animal!
Kit's new outfit including the necklace and bracelet she got at Kay and Jays doll shop in Ocean City, NJ!
Kits new glasses she also got at Kay and Jays doll shop in Ocean City, NJ!
From N from PaperDollWorld--Here are my three new dolls based Ever After High characters: Fiona (Apple White), Madeline, and Aisling (Ashlynn Ella).
Diana Lee made a new doll stopmotion! (You can watch above or go to her Youtube Channel)
4everMcKennaAG94's doll McKenna is smelling pretty flowers in her garden!
-Send a picture of your doll(s), crafts, hairstyles, videos, photostories, fun finds, ect. to [email protected] (It must be a picture you or a friend/family member has taken. Limit to four pictures per person. If you decide to send in a photostory please limit to 10 pictures.)
-Put "From a Friend Friday" as the subject (Since I get alot of email, this would make sure yours gets here!)
-Be sure to include your name (or nickname) and the names of the doll(s) in your picture. You can also include a description for your picture if you want to.