Happy Friday, girls! I hope you had a fun-filled week, I know I did! These dolls look like they had one too, take a look...
Natalia's dolls Saige, Alyssa and Chrissa relaxing in the backyard!
Melissa's doll Ruby took a hot air balloon ride at the American Girl Place!
TL from aggirl79.blogspot.com, Saige giving a note to Emily about AG GIRL's 25 follower give-away!
Emmy's doll Kit loves her hammock!
Diana made a video of her dolls Josefina, Kit, and Faith (#55). You can watch above or on her Youtube.
From Kaitlyn--I fixed up our old play house where our cats used to live. It was really gross and it smelled bad. I scooped all the hay and stuff out of there, washed down the floors, and replaced the dry wall. Then I taped cardboard to the walls so that there were separate rooms, painted, laid carpet and flooring, and put furniture in. And I even got the smell out! Here are the before and after pictures!
...After! Wow, that is amazing, Kaitlyn!!
Thanks girls for sharing with us! I just love to see what you and your doll(s) are up to! Would you like to join in on "From a Friend Friday" for next week? Here's how you can:
-Send a picture of your doll(s), crafts, hairstyles, videos, photostories, fun finds, ect. to [email protected] (It must be a picture you or a friend/family member has taken. Limit to four pictures per person. If you decide to send in a photostory please limit to 10 pictures.)
-Put "From a Friend Friday" as the subject (Since I get alot of email, this would make sure yours gets here!)
-Be sure to include your name (or nickname) and the names of the doll(s) in your picture. You can also include a description for your picture if you want to.
Hope you have an awesome weekend! :)