I absolutely love hairstyles that were worn back in time! From Pincurls to buns and up-dos; they are gorgeous!! Today I'm excited to share one of my favorite doll styles that has that nice historical feel to it.
It's a very elegant up-do and best of all, it's EASY-to-do!
First, style your doll's hair in a half up/half down ponytail. Secure with a hairtie.
Seperate the ponytail and begin making a small bun. You will need lots of bobbypins for this, so be sure to have some on hand! As you make the bun, bobbypin into place. Repeat for the second bun.
Once you're done with those, seperate the remaining hair and do two more small buns.
Coil them close together and pin in place. :)
And, ta-daaa! A beautiful historical up-do! You could do this on any doll with long hair, even modern dolls need some vintage flair. ;)
Put a headband on your doll for a classic look! :)
Felicity LOVES this style! A good tip is to spritz your doll's hair with water before doing it. Leave in for a day or two, and then when you take it out, your doll with have some wavy curls! :)
I hope you have fun trying it out on your doll, if you do, I'd love to see! Feel free to send me a picture at [email protected]
Happy styling!