Between lots of laughs and sneaking candy from their bags, Kit, Samantha, Saige, and Kenley walked from house to house. Halloween night had just begun! With big smiles on their faces, they stopped by a familar house...

"Hey Rebecca!" the girls said together.

"Who's Rebecca? I'm Shine-Girl! And always ready for Lights, Camera, Action!"

"Shine-Girl, huh?" Kenley said. "Cool, I've never met a superhero before!"
"What kind of super powers do you have Shine-Girl?" Saige asked.

"I have lots of powers..." Shine-Girl said with a sly smile. "But what I want to know is if you all do too!"
"Us?" Samantha said, her brown eyes widening. "We're not superheroes! We just came here for candy...uh, Trick or Treat?"
Shine-Girl held up her bowl of candybars. "I'll make you a deal, a super one! I'll give you a treat, if you can show me your talent!"

Saige stepped forward. "Ooh, pick me! Pick me first! I have a talent!"
Shine-Girl smiled. "Go right ahead and show us what you've got!"
"Ok..." Saige said and set down her candy bag.

Stretching her arms, she pressed her palms on the firm ground and did a handstand!
"Ta-daa!" Saige shouted.
Next up was Kit...

She did the splits, while saying a knock-knock joke. (She was a clown afterall)
"What do skeletons say before they begin dining? Bone appetit!"

Kenley cleared her throat and sang a song for everyone.
"So hold your head up high, it's your time to SHINE
From the inside out it shows, you're worth more than gold!"
Who knew she was so great at singing?!

"It's your turn Samantha!" Kit said. "What are you going to show us?"
"Um...I don't know...I don't really have a talent." she replied, staring at the ground.
"Sure you do!", Shine-Girl said. "Everyone has a talent, a hidden superpower!"

"Well...I don't know..." Samantha muttered, still hesitant.
"Hey you can dance!" Saige spoke up. "I've seen you play 'Just Dance' at slumber parties, you're amazing!"
"Yeah, dance for us Sammy!" Kenley exclaimed.
"Well...I guess I could..." she said shyly.

Picking up her skirts, Samantha twirled and did some classy dance moves! Everyone cheered!

"See? I knew it! You all do have a superpower, just like me!" Shine-Girl said as she handed them each a piece of candy.

All of the supergirls had a very fun Halloween night! ;)
Hope you all enjoyed the photostory! Most of the costumes are crafts I've shown, check them out below.
Have fun!! Are you or your doll's dressing up? :)

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