I love pretty notebooks and have a huge collection of them! They are the perfect place to jot down ideas, draw doodles, and record memories. Today I thought I'd make my doll's their own mini notebooks!
These are so easy and a whole lot of fun too! Let's get started!
First you'll need some supplies:
- Pretty Paper or Construction Paper
- Lined notebook paper (around four sheets works good)
- Scissors
- Ruler
- Needle & thread
- Washi Tape or Duct Tape
- Stickers or other decorations
- And, a parent/guardian to help you!
Once you have all you need, cut out a rectangle out of paper that is five inches long.
And, three inches wide.
Then fold the paper over.
Cut out a rectangle of your lined notebook paper, slightly smaller in length then your other one. (You can also fit to size afterwards and cut away any extra paper)
Fold this over also. :)
Place the notebook paper on top of the other rectangle (which is the notebook cover.)
Now it's time to get out that needle and thread!
With your needle poke a hole on the folded crease and pull the thread through.
Make three to four stitches to bind the notebook together!
This is so simple and looks very real once you close the book. :)
See? :)
After you tie off the extra thread, get out your tape! I'm so obsessed with Washi/Decoration tape right now and have been finding so many ways to use it. You can use duct tape to do this too.
Cut off of a piece the size of the spine of the notebook.
Then fold the tape over the spine of the book.
This hides the thread stitches, plus it looks so nice!
To decorate the notebook, use a sticker! Or you can write/draw on the cover with a marker.
So cute!! When you're all done you can give it to your doll. :)
I've made Mia her own collection of notebooks! She loves all of them! Which one is your favorite?
Hmm...what will she write first? :)
I hope you have fun making some notebooks for your doll! If you do, I'd love to see! Feel free to send me a picture at [email protected]
Happy Crafting! :)