Happy Friday, girls! I hope you've all had an awesome week! I'm so excited to share the creative pictures and videos sent in. Let's take a look...

From Lainey--Saige and Molly, BFF's always!!!!

From Danielle--Once my doll's dog Meatloaf had a dream.

In that glorious dream, Meatloaf won 1st Prize in The World's Cutest Dog Pageant!

Then she woke-up. Although she realized waking-up to her favorite bone and chew toy was just as good as winning any award.

Also, Happy Birthday Kaya! According to the book series, Kaya's birthday is in the summer of 1755! She just turned 259! Although to me, she only turned 6 due to when I got her.

From Hope for Dolls--I received a new Gotz doll! Come and read a comparison of Gotz and American Girl on my blog, All Things Doll!

From Ella- Hi! I recently bought some goodies from AG! Visit my blog to see everything at http://itsadollworld.wordpress.com/. Thanks!

Shmeka tried out the Fishtail Braid on her doll!
Forever AG made a video of her American Girl doll's room tour! Check out her video above or on her Youtube Channel.
Now, a photostory by Madeleine and Tracey...

Trouble in the Tree House.

One fine summer day, Kit Kittredge decided to invite her friends Emily, Molly and Ruthie over for nature walk. “We’ll come back to my tree house for a picnic afterwards,” declared Kit.

The girls had a long, pleasant stroll until their stomachs decided that it was time to go back to the tree house for their lunch.

It was Kit's dog Grace who first noticed that something was wrong; Kit’s compass that was usually safely stored in the tree house was now lying at the bottom of the ladder!

Molly bravely climbed into the tree house to see if anything else was touched. Sure enough, she saw that Kit’s marble and sea glass collection was scattered on the floor and somebody's lunch was left lying on the deck!

Wait a minute,” exclaimed Molly, “this is Brad’s brand new box of sewing cards! I just can’t believe that my little brother would sneak in to your tree house without asking first, Kit!”

“It must be Brad,” Emily remarked, “there is a box of his favourite animal crackers left behind.... and I’m afraid that Kit’s scooter is missing, too!"

Just then, the girls heard the sound of the sound of scooter wheels coming towards them: Brad MacIntire!

"Bradley MacIntire!! I can’t believe that you would do this!" Molly yelled. "What do you mean?” Brad replied, "I just found this cool tree house and scooter in the woods; did you guys discover it, too?”

After Molly explained that it was actually using Kit’s tree house and scooter, Brad apologized and cleaned up his mess. The girls, however, couldn’t stay mad at Molly's little brother for too long…. after all, he did bring the marshmallows!!!
Thank you girls for sharing with us this week! I just love to see what you and your doll(s) are up to! Would you like to join in on "From a Friend Friday" for next week?
Here's how you can:
-Send a picture of your doll(s), crafts, hairstyles, videos, photostories, fun finds,ect to [email protected] (It must be a picture you or a friend/family member has taken. Limit to 4 pictures per person. If you decide to send in a craft or photostory please limit to 10 pictures.)
-Put "From a Friend Friday" as the subject (Since I get alot of email, this would make sure yours gets here!)
-Be sure to include your name (or nickname) and the names of the doll(s) in your picture. You can also include a description for your picture if you want to.
-Send your picture in as soon as possible. If I don't get it in time, I'll have to post it the following week.
Have a lovely weekend! :)

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