Happy Friday, girls! Are you excited for the holiday weekend? I am!! We had some very creative doll pictures and videos sent in, I love them! Let's take a look...

From Emily--This is a picture from a photo shoot I did with my American girl doll #25, Olivia. See the rest of the pictures at http://americangirldollsandme.weebly.com/
Rosie made a fantastic new video with her doll Samantha! What do you think is going on? Check it out above or on her Youtube Channel.

From Emilyagfan320--All of my pretty dollies! In order from my first to my most recent: Chrissa, Laine, Kanani, McKenna, Saige, Emily, Jess(who I believe is mag 21), Isabelle, Marie-Grace, and Lindsey! I now have 10 American Girl dolls and I can't forget about my bitty baby!

From Kaitlyn--Hi guys! About two and a half weeks ago I started a blog! The above picture is a photo from my most recent photoshoot! I would love it if you guys could come check it out! I always love getting new comments and followers!!! ;) Here is the link! http://americangirlplace1234.blogspot.com/
Diana made an awesome new video featuring the song Stand in the Rain! Check it out above on on her Youtube Channel.

From Hope--Today my hairstyle model will be Saige! (I love her red hair.)

First, take a small section of hair and put it on your dolls shoulder.

Divide the section of hair that is on the shoulder into three sections. Twist each section and then bring them around to the back.

Connect the twist with the other section of hair and tie it of with a hair band to make a pony tail.

Twist the pony tail into a bun and then add a few pins to hold it together. If you want to you can add a pretty hair band or bow to finish it off. I used a pearl hair band because I think it looks nice with her outfit.
This is how it should look in the front, back, and both sides!

It's like a remix of a simple bun. It also looks fabulous with Saiges earrings!! Hope you enjoy the hairstyle!
Thank you girls for sharing with us this week! I just love to see what you and your doll(s) are up to! Would you like to join in on "From a Friend Friday" for next week?
Here's how you can:
-Send a picture of your doll(s), crafts, hairstyles, videos, photostories, fun finds,ect to [email protected] (It must be a picture you or a friend/family member has taken. Limit to 4 pictures per person. If you decide to send in a craft or photostory please limit to 10 pictures.)
-Put "From a Friend Friday" as the subject (Since I get alot of email, this would make sure yours gets here!)
-Be sure to include your name (or nickname) and the names of the doll(s) in your picture. You can also include a description for your picture if you want to.
-Send your picture in as soon as possible. If I don't get it in time, I'll have to post it the following week.
Have a fun weekend! :)
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