During the Christmas of 2009, I got my doll Addy! I've always loved the fashion of the 1800s and Addy's story was one of the first American Girl books I read. So, I just knew I had to have her! Since then I've gotten a little bit of her collection and I'm excited to share with you today...
First, here's Addy in her Meet Dress she came in. I also have her accessories, but only the bonnet is shown here. The pink stripes are so pretty on her!
Next, here's Addy's Birthday Dress! This is my all-time favorite dress of Addy's and I'm sad American Girl doesn't sell it anymore. The pattern of the dress is so perfect and made for Addy. I also love the little snood hair accessory it came with. :)
Addy is so photogenic in this dress too!
Here's Addy in her Sunday Best Dress. This is the newest dress I've bought for Addy, she looks AMAZING in purple.
The hat really completes this Summery look!
This dress isn't from American Girl, but she wears it a lot so I wanted to include it! It's an 1800s dress made by Terristouch on Etsy and I got it back in 2009. It looks so nice on Addy!
Finally, here's Addy in her Christmas Dress! The colors are so festive and I love the high neck collar.
The back of the dress with the bow is gorgeous too!
Hope you enjoyed a peek into my Addy collection! Do you have Addy too? Which outfit of hers is your favorite? :)