I can't get over how cute American Girl doll pajamas are! For several years during Christmas I'd ask my aunt for the My American Girl pajamas (which used to be called Just Like You) and bought a few myself too. Though I've calmed down on adding pajamas to my collection, I still love them! I thought it'd be fun to share the ones I have with you...
First, here's Julie in the Paisley Print Pjs from 2005. I picked these up on my first trip to the American Girl Place in Chicago. Though they weren't made for Julie, they fit her personality perfectly! :)
Kit is wearing the Blue Floral Nightgown from 2003. This was my first American Girl outfit EVER and my Grandma sent it to me in the mail for my 10th birthday. Guess how much it was?! $18 dollars. Yep, you heard that right!
Nellie is wearing the Let it Snow Sleepset from 2006. This set has always been one of my favs, especially the little Santa hat!
Felicity is wearing the Sleepover Pjs from 2007. My aunt got these for me as a surprise Christmas gift and I believe they were part of an AG sale. I think they are pretty unique compared to other pjs American Girl has come out with. I use the shirt seperately sometimes and it looks really good on Ivy! The pjs came with blue slippers, but they have slipped away from me for the moment. haha :)
Saige is wearing the Snuggly Snow Pajamas from 2008. Some of you helped me pick to buy this outfit way back when I started my website. You can see that post, HERE. The blue fluffy slippers that were included are also hiding from me right now. ;)
Samantha is wearing the Wildflower Pajamas from 2009. I bought these with a Christmas giftcard my Grandma gave me for Christmas. (Check out the post, HERE.) I love the springtime colors of this set and the fuzzy green slippers!
Rebecca is wearing the Honey Puppy Pjs from 2009. My friend Lacey gave them to me as a Christmas gift last year in 2013. They were part of the American Girl Cyber Monday sale after Thanksgiving. They are adorable and so soft!!
Ivy is wearing the Winter Pajamas from 2009 (that year AG brought out a lot of pjs!!). Hope actually got these from my aunt, but has let me borrow them. The penguin slippers have to be the cutest ones ever! :)
Mia is wearing the Snowflake Pajamas from 2010. I got these as a Christmas gift from my parents. The shirt is awesome and I use it a lot on my dolls as a normal shirt in the Wintertime. :)
Finally, here's a little accessory called The American Girl Sleepover Kit from 2007. Hope bought this for fun and has let me borrow it over the years.
It comes with the bag that says "My Stuff", a toothbrush with real bristles, a retainer case that you can open, a small bottle of perfume (which is around somewhere...but not pictured). The toothbrush is so adorable!
Hope you enjoyed another peek into my collection! Do you have any American Girl pajamas? Which ones are your favorite? :)