Hi Girls! I'm back with a brand-new Q & A video to share with you...and guess who joined me again today? Hope and I had a lot of fun answering your questions, thanks again for sending them!
Q: What do you think of the Girl of the Year 2015? How would you want her to look like? ~TheLittlePauline
A: Awesome question! In the video our answers drifted to what we'd like other Girl of the Year dolls to be, haha. But, we are very excited about the Girl of the Year 2015! Not much has been officially said about the doll (and I tend to not read into a lot of spoilers unless AG says it), but we can't wait to see! We'd love for her to have a new facemold, just any kind of different look to her. :)
Q: What doll do you want to buy next? ~Flower Girl
A: As for me (Liz), Caroline is on my wish list! She's so pretty, and I just love her blonde hair and want to to do styles on it. Unless, I like the GOTY 2015, I hope to get Caroline. Hope says she's content with the dolls she has now, but you never know! ;)
Q: What are you most looking forward to this Christmas season? ~Jaclynn
A: EVERYTHING!!! haha I love the whole time of year and the unique feeling of Christmas that isn't like any other time. We're excited about making homemade gifts, giving to our friends and family, making Christmas cards to send to people (and maybe even you!), wearing winter clothes, and watching Christmas movies on the couch with a nice cup of tea and wrapped in a blanket. Ahh! :)
Q: Do you recommend Mia? I really like her and would like to purchase her off Ebay someday. ~Shelby-Grace
A: Yes, I definitely recommend her! She's one of my favorites and her hair is the most easiest of all my dolls to care for, it hardly tangles. She is so photogenic too and can pull off any fashionable look! She's a great doll! I hope you can find her for a good price on Ebay! :)
Q: How do you get such good lighting on your photos when you're inside? ~Carli
A: What I do, is always take photos near a window to let natural light shine through. I never use the flash on my camera, I love natural best! I also position my doll a certain way so there aren't any shadows, don't be afraid to turn your doll's head or move her arms to pose her in a realistic way. :) Also, the lighting depends on the background of your photo, like the color of the walls. Certain colors will darken or brighten a doll picture. Hope this helps you!!
Well, that's a wrap for this Q &A! Thanks for your questions! Feel free to comment below with more questions you'd like me to answer.
"See" you next week! ;)