Dolls with short hair may be limited in length, but they can definitely have unique hairstyles too! Here's one of my favorites right now, a braided heart! It's so easy and I LOVE it. Want to know how to do it? Let's go!
To start grab a small piece of hair on one side of your doll's part. Make sure you start at the farthest end.
Seperate this section into three tiny, even strands and begin a simple braid.
After that, begin to add hair only into the strand on the side closest to the part. (Like how you do in a crown braid)
Continue to braid along the part, towards your doll's face.
When you reach your doll's forehead, turn the braid and grab thicker pieces of hair to add into the one braid strand.
When you reach your doll's ear, braid normally. Then secure with a hair elastic. Repeat these steps on the other side of your doll's part, so that you have two braids.
Bring both braids together, so that it forms a heart shape. Then secure with a hair elastic again.
And there you have a beautiful heart hairstyle! You could also add a pretty ribbon for a fancier look.
Here's what it looks like from the front, Nellie rocks this look!
This hairstyle even works on Kit too! Try it out on any doll with short hair. The hairstyle is cute on doll's with long hair too, but only difference is to pull the braids closer together and at the top of your doll's head. This will keep the heart shape.
I hope you have fun with this hairstyle! If you do it, I'd love to see! Feel free to send me a picture at [email protected]
Happy Styling! :)