I recieved such a nice response from all of you when I showed a peek inside Imagine Magazines, I'm going to share another issue! For the ones who don't know, Imagine was a free magazine American Girl sent out (yes, free!) between the years of 2005 and 2007. They aren't available anymore, but they were so awesome.
Today we're looking inside the first ever issue. As you can see, I've flipped through this magazine...a lot!! The issue came out in the holiday season of 2005.
As I said in the last post, each issue had a similar format and the main goal of the magazine was encouraging girls to play with their dolls! Here's the first page when you open it up.
The "Smile File" had girls with their dolls in matching outfits. :)
Then comes the Doll Play section, my favorite!! They listed 10 activites to do with your doll. The first five are; invite another doll to spend the night, paint her portrait, make her a cool clothing store, and tear out magazine pictures to be posters.
The other five are; take her on a ski vacation, build a fort, design activity badges, read to your doll, and give her a ballet bun.
On the next page is an advertisement for the Felicity movie (new at the time) and a helpful list of names if you are trying to find one for your doll.
Here's all the names they listed and their meanings! Is yours or your doll's name on the list?
The cute craft in this issue was hair accessories!
I love these ideas!
Next, was a quiz on what historical character you are most like!
Here's a close-up! Maybe grab a notebook and mark the answers, if you want. :)
Here's the scoring and a bit about each historical character. Which one are you like?
The fashion pages were cute! But, what I loved most was the behind the scenes.
They interviewed a lady who poses the American Girl dolls for catalog or website pictures. So interesting!
On the next page was an advertisement for the American Girl Club. American Girl used to have an online fan club that cost money, but you could earn points and prizes. I never had the chance to join, but it seemed really cool! The opposite page had a cut out memory game. Since I never cut this out, I thought it'd be fun to share with all of you! I made it into a print-out.
Print American Girl Doll Matching Game
Click the link or picture above to print out the game. Then, cut out the pictures. Depending on the thickness of the paper, you might want to glue some construction paper on the backs so you can't see through them. Then lay the cards face down, turn two cards, and try to make matches. If they don't match, keep trying! :)
Poor Kirsten! The Doll Hospital page shows her with a REALLY bad hair day.
Here she is after getting fixed up, gorgeous! :)
The final page is so adorable! I love how real it looks.
I hope you enjoyed looking back at the Imagine Magazines! I have five other issues too, so if you'd like to see more, let me know! I wish American Girl still had these around, but it's so fun to share them now. What was your favorite part? :)