Hi Girls! I'm back with a brand-new Q & A video to share with you! I had a fun time answering your questions, thanks again for sending them!
{You can also watch on the AmericanGirlFan Youtube channel! Like and subscribe!}
Q: If you didn't go on any screens for a day, what would you do? ~AJ
A: This is extremely good question that made me think! haha If the screen on my camera counts, I would still plan some doll posts for all of you and take photos later. I would catch up on reading, spend time with my family, make crafts, get back into scrapbooking, and knit! My mom recently taught me how to knit and I love it! I show my first knitting project in the video, and it's definitely not perfect but I'm enjoying it! Any other knitting American Girl Fans out there?
Q: Who is your favorite Historical American Girl Doll? ~Katelyn
A: I honestly love all of them! But story wise, I do like Kit because I like her books and that she lives in Cincinnati. And, I have always loved Felicity and Elizabeth's collection and wish they were still available. Of course Rebecca too, I didn't mention her, but she's awesome. ;)
Q: Do you play any musical instruments? ~TheLittlePauline
A: I don't at the moment, but I used to play two instruments. I played the Clarinet when I was thirteen in seventh grade before I was homeschooled. The Summer before starting school I went to a band camp during the day where I learned how to play! I loved the clarinet. I never got to perform a concert with my band, but it was a great experience getting to learn how to read music and accomplish something new. I also played the Lap Dulcimer when I was in third grade and was in a group with my elementary school for a year. My parents gave me a dulcimer for Christmas the following year and I still have it! I want to get back into learning new songs. Here's an old picture I took one time of Elizabeth with my dulcimer:
Q: Can you brush curly doll hair...like Rebecca? Are they hard to maintain? ~Andrea
A: I actually did a post on how I care for Rebecca's hair and you can see it at this link: http://www.americangirlfan.com/2014/04/how-to-care-for-american-girl-rebeccas-curls.html I don't recommend brushing straight through Rebecca's hair or dolls with curly hair, as this can make the hair frizzy. Also, using a brush can straighten it and if your doll has curls, you don't want them to go away! Rebecca's curls are easier to manage for me since she has shorter hair and they hold their shape well. Usually I twist them around my finger when one is out of place, or mist with a little bit of water. Hope this helps and you have fun with Rebecca!
Q: What is your favorite thing to do on the weekends? ~Lainey
A: Oooh, I LOVE weekends! Mine usually consist of either staying home in my pajamas all day or going out shopping and running errands. It changes every week, but I'm a total stay-at-home type of girl. I take off both Saturday and Sunday from doing work here on AmericanGirlFan besides approving comments so I catch up on watching TV shows and spend time with my family. But when I can get out, shopping is a ton of fun and hanging out with a friend is always sweet too. :)
Well, that's a wrap for this Q &A! Thanks for your questions! Feel free to comment below with more questions you'd like me to answer.
"See" you next week! ;)