On any given day, you might find me searching for a hair tie. Those things are tricky! Either they break, they get misplaced, or a fashion fairy steals them! (Ok, not that last one...but it sure feels like it sometimes. haha) So instead of buying new hair ties for my dolls, I thought why not try to make my own? I've seen these trendy elastic hair ties all over, and guess what? They are extremely easy to make yourself! :)
First you'll need a few supplies:
- Elastic (There are all kinds of designs and colors! I got the pack of four kinds at Walmart for $2.00 and the pink chevron I got at JoAnn's Fabric Store. They are 5/8" fold-over.)
- Scissors
- Ruler or Measuring Tape
1. Measure and cut the elastic to 9 or 9 1/2 half inches long, depending on the thickness of your doll's hair. 2. Fold the elastic over and make sure the edges line up. 3. Begin to make a knot. 4. Pull the elastic through. 5. Adjust and tighten the knot, sliding it upwards and stretching. 6. You're done! Use scissors to trim the elastic at the top if you need to.
Aren't they cute?!
I love how they can dress up a simple ponytail. Try them out in all kinds of hairstyles! :)
I hope you have fun making some elastic hair ties for your doll! If you do, I'd LOVE to see! Feel free to send me a picture at [email protected]
Happy Stylish Crafting! :)