Springtime means baby animals, including chicks! These baby chicks are super cute and perfect size for American Girl dolls. Best of all, they are super easy to make! Want to know how? Let's get started!
First you'll need some supplies:
- Three Yellow Pom Poms
- One White Pom Pom
- Orange Foam
- Two Googly Eyes
- Glue (Hot Glue or Regular Glue)
- Scissors
1. Glue one of the yellow pom poms on top of the other. 2. Glue on the googly eyes. 3. Cut a triangle from the orange foam to be the beak. 4. Glue on the beak...cute! 5. Cut two little feet from the foam. 6. Glue them on the bottom of the pom pom. 7. Cut a little bit of fluff from the white pom pom. 8. Do the same with the other yellow pom pom. 9. Put the fluff together and glue to make the side feathers. (I'd advise using regular glue or letting an adult use the glue gun because it's really easy to burn yourself with the hot glue while doing this. You could also use pretend feathers from the craft store!) 10. And you're finished!!
Isn't the chick SO cute?! You can make a lot so your doll can have a "baby chick farm" or she can use them as plushy Easter decorations.
They have such personality, I love them!
Follow the leader!
Nellie loves the little chicks and I hope you have fun making some of your own too! If you do, I'd love to see! Feel free to send me a picture at [email protected]
Happy Crafting!