Back before I owned an American Girl doll, I loved the Mini Dolls! Since they were more affordable I dreamed of having a whole collection of them. My Grandma was so nice to gift me with my doll Molly for Christmas in 2004, so I didn't get the mini dolls. But years later I bought my first one and the minis were as cute as I thought!
American Girl has changed the mini dolls so much over the years. The first historical mini dolls were released in 1995 and actually had glass eyes to look more like the big dolls. Then in 2000 they had painted on eyes. They've been changed several other times as AG has re-done the historical line to Be Forever and they have new meet outfits. I think each "generation" of mini dolls are adorable and unique! Since Saige came out, AG has made Girl of the Year mini dolls too.
The mini dolls my sister and I own together are: Mini Kaya, Mini Kirsten, Mini Rebecca, Mini Samantha, Mini Kit, Mini Nellie, Mini Felicity, and Mini Caroline! Mini Kaya I bought first and did some fun posts with her in 2009, The Adventures of Mini Kaya. Mini Kirsten & Nellie were featured in some of the stories too. They were so funny for me to write, you can check them out by Clicking HERE. :)
Mini Felicity here I found at a yard sale for a few cents, along with Mini Samantha and Kit. It was such a great find!
Mini Caroline is my newest mini that I got last year! If you want to check out my review of her you can, by clicking here. :)'s your turn to talk, I have some questions for you!!
- Do you have any mini dolls? Which ones?
- Do you have a favorite mini doll?
- Which mini doll would you get if you could?
- Do you like the new mini dolls or older ones better?
You can answer all or one, I'd love to hear from you! Let's get chatting! ;)