A juicy hamburger right off the grill is one of the best Summer meals! I decided to make some burgers for my dolls and I love how they turned out. I'll show you how to do it too, let's get started!
First you'll need some supplies:
- 1.5 Inch/38 mm Styrofoam Ball (I got a pack of twelve balls at Michael's Craft Store)
- Brown felt
- Green felt
- Red felt
- Yellow felt (You can also substitute the felts with craft foam if you'd like)
- Scissors
- Paper Plate
- Tan Paint (Golden Brown in CraftSmart brand)
- Paintbrush
- A Kitchen Knife
Before we get into the craft, I want to make it very clear that you MUST have a parent or an adult use the kitchen knife in the first step. There may be other ways to do this, but a knife worked easiest for me. But again, have an adult do it for you!!
1. Cut down the middle of the styrofoam ball to make two halves. 2. Take one of the halves and place the rounded part face-down on the table. Use your palm to push on it, turning the rounded part flat. This will be the bottom of the bun and it'll be able to sit on a plate better. 3. Pour some paint on the paper plate and begin painting the styrofoam. 4. Keep going until the whole thing is covered in paint. 5. Let dry for a couple hours...I'm not sure how long exactly, but I painted mine at night and when I woke up in the morning they were dry. ;) 6. Cut out felt pieces to be the filling--brown hamburger, green lettuce, red tomatoes, and yellow cheese. 7. Stack the felt between the two styrofoam buns. 8. And, you're done!!
Doesn't it look good?! Now you can give it to your doll to enjoy!
Yum! Rebecca can't wait for a 4th of July cookout this weekend too! :)
I hope you have fun making a hamburger for your doll! If you do, I'd LOVE to see! Feel free to send me a picture to [email protected]
Happy Crafting!
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