I love browsing online and looking at unique doll items, there is some great stuff out there! Here are some of my favorites I saw this week. You can click the links below to check them out yourself.
1. Our Generation Cute to Scoot Outfit. This set is awesome, even comes with the scooter!
2. Black Polka Dot Glasses. Being a glasses-wearer myself, I LOVE these! I think the black and white polka dots add a vintage flair.
3. Coconut Smoothie Shaved Ice Stand for Dolls. What a cool piece! A smoothie sounds so good right now...
4. Polka Dot Sun Dress Outfit. Kit looks adorable wearing this, gotta love polka dots.
5. American Girl Dolls At Work Book. I've been eyeing this book lately since I'm a big fan of all the other activity books. Do you have it and would you recommend it? :)
6. Emoji Fun Dress. If you follow me on Instagram, you know I might be a tad bit obsessed with using Emojis. Such a cute dress!
Which do you like best? Did you find any favorites this week?