One of the best treats to enjoy on these hot Summer days is, Ice Cream! Yum! Want to make an ice cream cone for your doll? I have a super easy way to do it and made a free pattern for you to use too. Let's get started...
The supplies you'll need are:
- Duck Tape (The Burlap Kind)
- White Paper
- White Or Brown Pom-Poms
- Glue/Hot Glue Gun
- Scissors
- Tape (Optional)
- Ice Cream Cone Pattern
Click the link or picture above to print it out. (Be sure to download and print at “Actual Size” from a PDF reader like Adobe Reader. If you save & print directly from your browser, it might not print at the right size.)
1. Start by putting two pieces of Duck Tape on your white paper. 2 & 3. After that's done, take your cone pattern and place it flat on the duck-taped paper. 4. With scissors cut around the pattern. 5. Now you have your ice cream cone! Roll it to create the shape of the cone and secure with scissors or glue. 6. Glue the poms poms together to create the ice cream, then glue on top of the cone. And, you're done!!
Now your doll can enjoy her sweet ice cream cone! Make lots of flavors with different color pom poms.
Lea can't wait to share ice cream with a friend! Do you like vanilla or chocolate ice cream better? :)
Hope you have fun making some ice cream for your doll! If you do, I'd LOVE to see it! You can send me a picture to [email protected] or tag me on Instagram @creativedollcrafts
Happy Crafting!