We're having a rainy day here and it made me think back to the photoshoot I did with Mia in May. Almost five months ago...WOW! I always take more pictures than I can share, so here are some extras from this cute shoot. It was one of my favorites so far this year!
I love this mini umbrella I got from a craft fair a few years ago. (It's also available on Amazon!) To get Mia to hold the umbrella I used a clear hair elastic, they work great if you want your doll to hold things.
Rain or shine, Coconut is outside! ;)
Fun Fact: Coconut is the one that was sold from 2005-2008! Coconut is my sister's and I got Licorice at the same time. We got them for our birthdays back in 2005 or 2006 I think. :)
To see the first part of the photoshoot, click here!
Is it starting to look or feel like Fall where you live? :)