I've been loving colorful elastics on my doll's hair lately, it really makes the hairstyles pop! My favorite color is blue, so I went with these elastics for Grace's easy ponytail veil. This is a great style for any season or occasion, I love how it looks!! :)
Here's how you can do it too:
1. Gather some hair at the middle of your doll's head and make a small ponytail. 2. Separate that ponytail into two pieces. 3. Take hair from the left side and add it to the left piece. Secure with a hairtie. 4. Take hair from the right side and add it to the right piece. Secure with a hairtie. 5. Bring both ponytails together and secure with a final hairtie and ribbon bow. And, you're done!

I love how this style keeps the hair away from her face. I can also guarantee it stays in super well...Grace fell quite a bit during these photos and it didn't budge at all, haha!

She's ready for some fun Summer travels!!

If you try out this hairstyle, I'd love to see! You can send me a picture to [email protected] or tag me on Instagram @CreativeDollCrafts

Happy Styling! :)

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