Willa was excited to wear her new outfit today as she skipped along the sidewalk. Isn't she cute?! I bought this during my trip to the American Girl Nashville Store and I just couldn't pass it up. This has to be one of my favorite outfits to date!
Look at the adorable embroidery! I love how the overalls and t-shirt are separate. The shirt would look great with a pair of Wellie jeans from Etsy.
The matching handkerchief is attached to elastic, so it's very easy to put on the doll. :)
Yay for more shoes for the WellieWishers! These are plastic purple flats and I like the flower detail on the front.
Willa is so sweet wearing it, but I think it would look amazing on any of the WellieWishers dolls. It's such a fun outfit!
Willa gave a final smile for the camera before going off to play in the garden. ;)
I can't wait to take more pictures of her as the leaves start changing! I am so excited for Fall, how about you?