Happy Friday! It looks like these dolls have had a fun & busy week and I hope you have too! Let's take a look at the creative doll pictures sent in...
From The Amazing Daisy Dollies--A new doll joined my doll family this week. Her name is Layne, and she's a number 67. I think she is gorgeous!
From Pauline--Jenny Anne (Maryellen) and Melody at the beach with Scooter and Bo. I made Melody's swimsuit to match her sunglasses.
I take my favorite doll pictures and make digital scrapbook pages (the same as I do for my family photos). The program converts them into JPG files, that I can transfer to my pad, a digital scrapbook for the dolls. Someday I will print them all out.
From Abby--Lea is thrilled because today is the grand opening of her fruit stand!
Kit was her first customer. "Hi Kit," Lea said," How are you today?"
"Well I'm fine, but my dog, Grace , is missing," replied Kit sadly.
"Oh no," said Lea. "I made this lost dog poster. Could you please put it up here at the fruit stand?" Kit asked. Lea told Kit she would. So, after Kit bought some fruit she left.
Willa came next to buy some blueberries. "They are my favorite," she said.
The day went by quickly and before Lea knew it,it was lunchtime!
Lea went to take her lunch break, but she forgot to close up the fruit stand!
Thirty minutes later when Lea returned to the fruit stand, all of the fruit was gone!
"Oh no," Lea exclaimed,"I forgot to lock up!"
Tenney heard Lea and ran to the fruit stand. "Lea what's wrong?" Tenney asked.
"Oh, Tenney I forgot to lock up and I've been robbed.It's all my fault," Lea cried.
Tenney replied, "Don't worry Lea I'll help you. I have a plan..." (To be continued!)
From Melissa--Here Julie and Grace went rock hunting.
They had fun and the weather was gorgeous.
You can see more on My Blog. Have a good week!
From Quinley--My doll Willow’s cousin is coming to visit, you can read the photo story at My Blog.
Thank you for sharing with us! I just love to see what you and your dolls are up to! Would you like to join in on From A Friend Friday next week? Here's how you can:
-Send your doll picture to [email protected] (It must be a picture you or a friend/family member has taken. Limit to 4 pictures per person. If you decide to send in a craft/photostory limit to 10 pictures.)
-Put "From A Friend Friday" as the subject (Since I get a lot of email, this would make sure yours gets here!)
-Be sure to include your name (or nickname) and the names of the doll(s) in your picture. You can also include a description for your picture if you want to.
Yay, it's the weekend!! :)
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