Name: Grace Thomas
Nickname: Gracie, but only by her family.
Age: 11
Birthday: September 17th
Personality: It's no guessing that Grace adores baking! She uses her talents to give back to others, often having a cupcake on hand if someone is feeling down. People say that the sweetness in the kitchen rubbed off on her. ;) She loves to create and is a big dreamer.
Interests: Baking & cooking is #1! She also likes fashion, traveling to faraway places, and making memories with her friends and family.
Dream Job: Host of her own baking show.
Favorite Food: How is it possible to pick?!
Least Favorite Food: How is it possible to hate food?!
Pet Peeve: Spilling stuff EVERYWHERE. (Been there, done that.)
Favorite Animal: Dogs, especially French Bulldogs!
How/Why I Got Her: Grace was my twelfth American Girl doll. I picked out Grace myself on my trip to the Columbus, Ohio American Girl store in the Summer of 2015. I loved her story and her blue eyes/brunette hair was different from any other doll in my collection. She has been a lot of fun to have here!