Name: Margaret Kittredge
Nickname: Kit, everyone calls her this.
Age: 11
Birthday: May 19th
Personality: Kit is a writer through and through. When she gets a story idea, she can't wait to run up to her attic bedroom and start pounding the keys on her typewriter. She carries a notebook everywhere she goes in case an idea strikes. She loves mysteries and getting to know new people--which is a mystery of itself!
Interests: Writing newspaper articles, photography, having parties, helping others.
Dream Job: Newspaper Editor.
Favorite Food: She doesn't have a favorite, she loves to try new things!
Least Favorite Food: Peppers and anything spicy.
Pet Peeve: Grumpy people.
Favorite Animal: Dogs.
How/Why I Got Her: Kit was my third American Girl doll. I got her in 2007 when I was 13, from my Grandma and Grandpa on Christmas Day. My Grandma had asked my dad again if I wanted another American Girl doll and I did! I liked Kit a lot because she had freckles and she was from Cincinnati which I live pretty close to. I have been to lots of places in her books-like the Cincinnati Zoo and the Union Terminal (a train station that is now a museum). I LOVED her movie too!