Name: Mia St.Clair
Nickname: Her friends call her "Miss Ice Queen".
Age: 11
Birthday: January 6th.
Personality: Mia lives and breathes ice skating, whether she's playing hockey with her brothers or doing spins during a competition. She dreams of going to the Winter Olympics and is training her hardest to make that happen. She loves to share her love of skating with others and helps assistant teach young kids during the week.
Interests: Ice Skating of course! She also enjoys watching hockey games, reading about the newest fashion trends, cracking jokes, doing things with friends, and watching movies.
Dream Job: Professional Ice Skater.
Favorite Food: Cinnamon rolls.
Least favorite Food: Raisins.
Pet Peeve: Falling while skating or getting hurt and not being able to compete.
Favorite Animal: Walrus, dolphin, or seal.
How/Why I Got Her: Mia was my fourth American Girl doll. I got her in 2008 with an AG Gift Card my Grandma gave me for Christmas. I loved Mia ever since I saw her on the Oprah show when they showed the American Girl of the year doll. Her red hair and green/hazel eyes are so unique. She was also my first non-historical doll and first Girl of the Year doll!