Name: Molly McIntire
Nickname: Her dad calls her Olly Molly sometimes, but her friends just call her Molly. :)
Age: 11
Birthday: April 22nd
Personality: Molly is a sweet, hardworking girl. She loves to be with her friends and help out in her community. She's oftentimes the peace-maker and thinks that spreading kindness is the best thing to do!
Interests: Reading & writing fairy tales, she thinks it's fun to think up big, fantastical ideas! She also likes dressing up and taking road trips with her family.
Dream Job: An Author.
Favorite Food: Pizza and Carrot Cake.
Least Favorite Food: Turnips.
Pet Peeve: When she can't get a math question right. :(
Favorite Animal: Dogs.
How/Why I Got Her: Molly was my first American Girl doll. I got her from my Grandma and Grandpa Christmas day 2003, when I was 9 years old. I was starting to get into American Girl during that time. I had read a few Historical AG books and loved looking through the catalogs. I liked Molly because I looked like her at the time. I loved wearing braids and had round glasses too. Molly has been played with a lot and she is special being my first doll!