Name: Saige Copeland
Nickname: Her friends call her 'cowgirl' sometimes.
Age: 11
Birthday: October 8th
Personality: Saige is an outgoing, creative girl who absolutely loves the outdoors. No matter what the weather, you can find her outside, even stomping in rain puddles. She loves to share her knowledge about horses with anyone and makes friends quickly. Someday she hopes to have a farm of her own and wants to travel the world!
Interests: She loves anything outdoor-sy like camping, taking hikes, horse back riding, and exploring. She also enjoys painting, making crafts out of ordinary objects, being thrifty, and photography.
Favorite Food: Chicken Tacos.
Least Favorite Food: Green vegetables...especially spinach.
Dream Job: Horse Trainer, a famous artist, or someone who does documentaries for the travel channel! (Her friends still don't get why she'd want to do that...)
Pet Peeve: When people wear sunglasses inside or long sleeves with shorts.
Favorite Animal: Do you really have to ask? Horses!!! She also loves miniature ponies.
How/Why I Got Her: Saige was my tenth American Girl doll. I bought Saige's starter collection the day she came out on January 1st, 2013. She's my second Girl of the Year doll. I loved her instantly and liked the fact that she adores horses and creativity!